
Saturday, May 2, 2009

2 May 2009- Very Disappointed

I am very disappointed in yesterday gathering. It was suppose to be our first class gathering and yet, so many of them are cancelling for this class gathering.

Some could not make it on time and other one fall sick! It was very hard to organise such gathering and I need to call and text messages to everyone for their confirmation. There are few of them already confirmed but in the end could not make it..

It's seem like it's my fault who organise such gathering. I am not the one who suggested this gathering and I am out of my goodwill to help to contact everyone for such event.

But, no one even appreciated me and scolded me why I cancelled this gathering and why they are last mintue cancel or they are ill.

Now, I am like the one who created such unhappy gathering. I promised that I will not organise any Class Gathering anymore! I had enough of all this..

Friday, May 1, 2009


I went to North Point to meet my brother and we went to cafe to have some delight. 美味しそう。Yummy.

ごちそうさまでした。I really enjoyed myself eating all these sinful food~


Today, Joshua and I meet at Habour Front at 1000 hours. We ate our Breakfast at the local food center. After that, we head to Mt Faber by climbing up the staircase. It is very tiring by climbing up the staircase. When we reach Mt Faber, it is very crowded due to Public Holiday!

We hike the Southern Ridge from Mt Faber-> Henderson Waves -> Forest Walk -> Hort Park. Furthermore, the weather is extremely humid. We are tired and hungry through. We purchased the Ice-cream from the Hort Park mart.

After our journey to Hort Park, we went to board the bus back to Habour Front. When we reach Habour Front, we went to the food court for our lunch. After we ate the lunch, we went to shop around Vivo City.

About 1500 hours, Joshua need to return back to his hostel. It is such an great hiking experience with people who love to hike =)