To update the firmware OS 4.0, you need the following items before you can proceed.
Index A
1. iTunes program*.
2. A computer which connect to the internet.
3. apple USB cable.
4. apple iPhone/ iTouch devices.
Index B
Firstly, making sure that your computer connect to the internet.
After which, open your iTunes program. Please make sure that your iTunes version is
Next, use the apple USB cable and connect to your computer and apple iPhone/ i Touch devices.
Forth, iTunes will automatic syncing your apple devices to your computer.
Next, it will automatic backing up your apple devices data to your computer.
Sixth, on the Left column, scroll down to devices, click on it.
After that, you will see many tabs folders on the right column. Choose 'Summary'.
Then, you will see three (3) rolls, which is iPhone, Version and Options.
Ninth, choose version and click on check for update.
After that, it will prompt you iPhone have new update of firmware OS 4.0
Click update and it will prompt you if you want to backup your apps/data to the computer. Click OK to continue.
After it back up to the computer, it will now syncing your iPhone to firmware OS 4.0. It will takes about 15-25 minutes to update. Your iPhone will auto switch on and off. So, please do not plug out the USB cable or the iPhone.
My BEST ADVICE to you is that, please switch ON your iPhone to Airplane mode so that while syncing and updating, you will not able to receive any call or messages. And it will not stop updating. It will stop updating and syncing if someone call or message you.
When it is complete, it will stated on the Version (Refer to Index B, Paragraph 6-8) as Your iPhone is now successful updating to firmware OS 4.0. Click OK to disconnect.
Now, you are using the brand new iPhone firmware OS 4.0!! Enjoy the excitement of the new firmware of OS 4.0!! Remember to OFF the Airplane mode if you ON it!
*iTunes can be downloaded at